#include #include #include public Plugin myinfo = { name = "yuuko's fake rtv", author = "yuuko", description = "stubs out rtv to tell players they can vote for it instead", version = SOURCEMOD_VERSION, url = "https://www.partyvan.io/" }; public Action Command_FakeRTV(int client, int args) { PrintToChat(client, "NOTICE: Open Fortress has a native equivalent to RTV as of Revision 20; see \"End map and start vote\" in the vote menu."); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action OnClientSayCommand(int client, const char[] command, const char[] sArgs) { if (strcmp(sArgs, "rtv", false) == 0 || strcmp(sArgs, "rockthevote", false) == 0) return Command_FakeRTV(client, 0); return Plugin_Continue; } public void OnPluginStart() { RegConsoleCmd("sm_rtv", Command_FakeRTV, "rock the vote (not really)"); RegConsoleCmd("sm_rockthevote", Command_FakeRTV, "rock the vote (not really)"); }