BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mainbut as if to knock me down, reality came aroundyuuko6 months
v2.0.2commit 0f0f543d79...yuuko6 months
v2.0.1-beta1commit a5b0ca64d4...stephanie sappho lenzo13 months
v2.0.1commit 5f73e497c7...stephanie sappho lenzo13 months
v2.0.0-betacommit 7b92e4acf6...sappho19 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2024-08-27but as if to knock me down, reality came aroundHEADv2.0.2mainyuuko
2024-08-25treewide: nuke vendoring, make -> ambuildyuuko
2024-01-11fix typo for linux buildsv2.0.1-beta1stephanie sappho lenzo
2024-01-11whitespace WHACK!v2.0.1stephanie sappho lenzo
2024-01-11fix freakish bug involving curl easy setopt int array and add a bunch of loge...stephanie sappho lenzo
2024-01-04fully deprecate old functions and add warnings squash for fopen/sprintfstephanie sappho lenzo
2024-01-04whack yet more old hash functions and also include windows buildstephanie sappho lenzo
2023-12-05update self test to up to date free ftps server - test #7 is STILL broken, sorrystephanie sappho lenzo
2023-12-05whack old test build shstephanie sappho lenzo